Leicester City Council is planning to build a new east-west traffic route across the city using Putney Road as a link road. A new junction at Putney Road West and Aylestone Road will make Putney Road a two-way link road to Welford Road and through Clarendon Park and beyond.
These are the reasons why people don’t want this road to go ahead:
- Nobody knew about this road plan, not even our local councillors - this looks like a deliberate attempt to get it through before anyone could object
- It is controversial and was opposed by local people in the past, which is why the Council previously promised not to build it
- There will be extra traffic through Clarendon Park
- This will mean more congestion and more queuing traffic
- And more air pollution and reduced air quality
- Plus more rat-running to avoid increased congestion on other roads
- The Queen’s Road shopping area will be more congested with traffic
- Bus services will be delayed
- Cycling and walking will become more dangerous
And all of this will get much worse – there is another scheme to build a link from Aylestone Road across to Narborough Road through Evesham Road. The council says that building
‘The Putney Road link would greatly enhance the viability of building the Evesham Road link.’
When the Evesham Road link is built the impact on Clarendon Park will multiply. Stopping the Putney Road link will help prevent the Evesham Road too.
Add your name to this petition and say NO to the Putney Road link