FAQ 10. Leicester University

FAQ 10. Leicester University

Have impacts of the University of Leicester’s Freemen’s Common development been considered?

What LCC say:

Yes – the council has been in regular contact with the University regarding the two projects. A traffic impact assessment is being carried out by the University on their development, which will be submitted when a planning application is made.

What we say:

What the answer above does not say is what difference the university development will make to traffic and people in our area. The development will add around 1000 extra rooms for students, a 550 space multi-storey car park with entrances and exits on to Putney Road, and new pedestrian crossings across Putney Road and Welford Road. There can be no positives impacts from this, only negative ones. What the council’s reply actually states is that a traffic assessment will be carried out but they have not considered what extra impact this will have in addition to the Putney Road scheme. It’s not going to make it better.
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